Drip Marketing: How to Use It for a Successful Campaign


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Oluebube Anukam


In today’s business scene, almost every marketing strategy involves a plan to occupy space in the minds of (potential) consumers. The evolution of technology and the conception of the internet have made it easier for the average person to start a business, leaving the market saturated and the business landscape competitive. 

Fortunately, the same internet has also facilitated the customer outreach process, even going as far as providing the platform to develop more complex and effective marketing strategies. One of such strategies is drip marketing.

What is Drip Marketing?

You may have come across drip marketing by alternative names such as drip email marketing, automated email marketing, email autoresponder marketing etc. Drip marketing is a strategy that involves developing and sending pre-written messages through a series of automated emails to your leads based on their specific actions or inactions. These messages are usually personalized and targeted at increasing the number of prospective buyers and/or customers over a limited period of time.

The “drip” aspect refers to the fact that the messages are sent in small, steadily increasing portions. This marketing strategy can be recognized from the personalized welcome emails you receive from some businesses after signing up for a product. They are subsequently followed by a number of similarly personalized emails with varying contents.

These pieces of content can range from an introduction to other product offerings by the company to an email recalibrating the customer to their abandoned cart to induce conversion. Check out this example below of Hubspot’s welcome email to me when I subscribed to Hubspot’s blog. 

Source: Author’s Phone Cam)

This email is automated and tailored to every subscriber to Hubspot’s blog. This approach allows HubSpot to stand out in their subscribers’ inboxes.

Drip marketing campaigns can be run on other communication channels, but for this blog, we will focus on their utilization in emails.

Key Elements Or Characteristics Of Drip Marketing

  • Emails are automated.
  • Emails are trigger-induced: Before any automated email is sent, it is triggered by the actions a customer takes on a businesses’ website, app etc. For example, when a customer signs up for a product for the first time, this action triggers the email platform to send a welcome email (if one has been set up) to the new customer. 
  • Emails are time-dependent. For drip marketing to be effective, your campaign relies on sending the right email at the right time. 
  • Emails are segmented.

Benefits of Drip Marketing

Drip marketing is one of the most powerful marketing strategies out there, with many advantages. 

Email automation:

The beauty of drip marketing is in its automation capabilities. By utilizing email marketing platforms or marketing automation software, businesses can seamlessly schedule and send emails automatically. This streamlines the campaign management process and ensures consistent and timely message delivery.

Lead nurturing:

Most buyers are still in the awareness stage of the customer journey. Drip marketing can help a business move the process along faster and increase the likelihood of conversion. Drip emails educating buyers on your service can be automatically sent to reluctant prospects, automated reengagement emails can be sent to check in on customers and redirect them to abandoned carts etc.

Maximize return on marketing efforts:

According to statistics posted by PinPointe, “Drip campaigns can generate 50 percent more sales-ready leads through steady communication with customers”. Another statistic states, “Companies that excel at drip campaigns generate 80 percent more sales at 33 percent lower costs”. It’s safe to deduce that drip marketing is a low-cost, high-return investment for any business.

Keeps your business relevant:

By maintaining constant communication with your customers, your business can successfully build real estate in their minds. This keeps  your brand relevant and always sought out by a customer whenever they come across or desire a related product.

How To Utilize Drip Marketing For An Effective Campaign

Drip emails can be sent for a number of reasons by customers. They can be sent to onboard new users, recommend products, serve as a reminder to renew a subscription, or even serve as confirmation for a purchase. Therefore, leveraging the power of drip marketing properly is key to running an effective drip campaign. Businesses can do this by:

1. Setting Campaign Goals:

Before launching a drip marketing campaign, it is crucial to define clear and specific goals. Are you aiming to generate leads, nurture existing leads, or re-engage inactive customers? Establishing precise objectives enables you to design the campaign accordingly and measure its success effectively.

2. Develop Detailed Buyer Personas:

Understanding your target audience is fundamental to crafting a successful drip marketing campaign. Develop detailed buyer personas that encompass demographics, interests, pain points, and motivations. This valuable information allows you to create highly targeted messages that resonate with the audience’s needs and desires.

3.  Create Compelling and Engaging Content:

Content is the backbone of any drip marketing campaign. Craft compelling and engaging content based on your campaign goals and align them with each stage of the customer journey. If you are making content with the goal being to gain repeat customers, craft compelling email reminders for a subscription renewal or an email recommending products similar to the one purchased by the customer. Educate prospects in the early stages, provide solutions and benefits in the middle stages, and offer exclusive incentives or promotions to drive conversions in the final stages.

4. Implement Effective Segmentation Strategies:

Segment your audience based on relevant criteria such as demographics, purchase history, or engagement level. By delivering personalized messages to each segment, you can maximize the impact of your campaign. Tailor your content, offers, and call-to-action based on the specific needs and preferences of each segment.

5. Establish a Well-Planned Timeline:

Determine the appropriate timing and frequency of your messages. Striking the right balance is crucial, as too many emails can overwhelm recipients, while too few may result in disengagement. Map out a timeline that aligns with your campaign objectives and respects your audience’s preferences.

6. Monitor, analyze, and learn:

Continuous monitoring and optimization are vital for the success of your drip marketing campaign. Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to evaluate the effectiveness of your messages. Analyze the data and make the necessary adjustments to your campaign. This will ensure that only the most effective strategies are regularly employed in your marketing campaign.


Drip marketing is not just a passing trend; it is a proven strategy that delivers tangible results. As businesses adapt to changing consumer behaviors and preferences, embracing drip marketing can be the key to staying ahead of the competition and forging meaningful connections with your audience. To get started with your drip marketing campaign, utilize email marketing platforms like MailDrip to facilitate the automation process, harness the power of personalization and strategic planning, and create impactful drip marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive long-term success.

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