2. Creating a new campaign

We have put together a quick guide on how to create and send email campaigns in MailDrip. MailDrip makes it easy for anyone to set up campaigns, whether you are a beginner or a professional in email marketing.
What is an Email Campaign?
An email campaign is a marketing message passed via a sequence of marketing efforts and targeted at multiple recipients at once. In MailDrip, you can create a campaign that helps boost brand awareness, generate and nurture leads, and drive recurring revenue. You can use well-curated campaigns to build deep and trusting relationships with your customers.
How to Create a New Campaign

The following steps will show you how to create a new campaign in MailDrip.

Step 1

From your campaign dashboard, click on New Campaign.

Step 2

Name your campaign and set the interval. You can choose the default interval between the emails in a campaign to determine how you want your emails delivered to your recipients; it could be in Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, or Years.

Step 3

After creating your campaign successfully, this shows up on your dashboard.

Step 4

Click on your campaign title to get started on the setup and design of the campaign.