Best Practices for Funny Email Subject Lines – MailDrip


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Anything that a greater population of people view as funny is bound to providing more winning results, and that also applies to funny email subject lines. An email subject lines is the first piece of your email content that your subscribers will come across after your name (sender’s name) and in some cases they even come before your name. For this reason, you may want to add more spice to the subject line since it is a crucial factor that can directly determine how high or low your email open rate will be.

Funny Email Subject Line Template

When trying to come up with ideas for a funny email subject lines, always bear in mind the type of audience you’re broadcasting to and avoid including subject lines that are offensive or can alienate or discriminate against certain groups.

Here are examples of funny email subject lines to use in your next campaign:

  1. Don’t make us beg! (Okay, maybe a little.)
  2. Hey… Were You Gonna Delete This?
  3. Emergency: Out of coffee?
  4. Have you forgotten us, Adams ?
  5. Reminder: Dress code: pajamas
  6. Hey… Are you there?

How to Write a Perfect Funny Email Subject Line that drives engagement

1: As much as you want to sound funny, don’t make use of spam trigger words:

Keep it simple and engaging. Avoid the using words and phrases that are in all caps as they are usually marked by spam filters. 

2: Keep it be short and straight-to-point

The most valuable information that captivates attention should be at the beginning of the subject line. Try as much as possible to avoid long and unnecessary phrases.

3: Let the funny email subject line be personalized

Personalization is a boost to email open rates for many users, and with the right things done, you will watch your campaign perform massively.

Maildrip’s email editor grants users the access to personalize any part of their email.

 Here are example templates:

  • Adams, check out these recommended books
  • Thanks for purchasing our product (Name it), Adams

4: Make it relevant:

As a best practice in email marketing, when writing a funny email subject lines, it should always pass across the general message of the email. When you use a subject line that doesn’t accurately interpret to what the email will discuss can get your subscribers annoyed and this will push them to either unsubscribe from receiving your emails or to mark your emails to spam box. In all, no matter how funny you want to make your subject line to win people’s attention, be guided and make sure that it stays true to the message that the email is passing across.

5:There Should Be a Call to Action (CTA)

A hint about the desired action that you want your audience to take when they go through your email should be included briefly in the funny email subject line for better results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are catchy email subject lines?

Catchy email subject lines can be anything that hooks the attention or piques the curiosity of the recipient to immediately click to open up the email.

What are spammy subject lines?

All Caps. Avoid the using words and phrases that are in all caps as they are usually marked by spam filters. 


You should always make sure that you are putting in an adequate amount of time into drafting your email subject lines.

By carefully apply these strategies and focusing on crafting a funny email subject line, the open rates of your email campaigns will increase in no distant time.

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