5 Things to Consider When Creating Effective Lead Magnets


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There is an emphasis on creating effective lead magnets today, considering the ROI it generates when done properly. It’s been found in a study that 50% of marketers who start using lead magnets report higher conversion rates. However, while these statistics are vital and more people are beginning to embrace the idea, it is also essential to do it properly. 

Creating a lead magnet is beyond you gathering contact information but also ensuring that the data is put to best use. The goal is to solidify trust with potential customers until they are convinced to make a purchase and stay loyal to your brand. 

To create the best lead magnets that will pull in more people from your target audience, there are certain things you must consider. This article highlights some of them. 

How To Create the Best Lead Magnets

1. Create Targeted Leads

Lead magnets must be intentional from the onset if you want to see results. This means you must create targeted, not generic, leads. Creating a generic lead might lead to you getting general and random contact information that could be irrelevant to your business. The end goal of lead magnets is to make your leads convert to paying customers. However, if you target the wrong audience, the chances of converting them to customers will be pretty slim. 

To get this right, start by researching your target audience. What will they like to see? What will entice them? How can you tease them enough to long for more? These are important questions you must ask before creating your lead, as they will help you streamline your focus. 

For example, if you are a digital creator looking to sell some digital products for social media creatives, don’t just create a random freebie. If you give out a filter preset, anyone would take advantage of that and not necessarily pay for other products in your catalog. You want to instead create a worksheet or template that only serious social media creators can use and should they want more, they could purchase more or pay for your service. 

Where you share the leads also matters. Sharing this template or worksheet for social media creators might not do as well on Facebook as it would if you shared it on Instagram or TikTok. Go where your audience is and meet their needs.

2. Use Content Upgrades

Content upgrades can work as in-content lead magnets. This is simply providing an offer within your content. For example, provide a downloadable version of an article being read by your target audience. There’s a better chance of increased conversions in this case since it is more contextual. 

The only reason someone would want a PDF version of the article they are reading is that they already enjoy reading the article or find particular interest in the content. By doing this, you can be certain that the PDF isn’t a random freebie but downloaded by someone who would likely be a paying customer in the nearest future.

3. Have Options (beyond ebooks)

effective lead magnet options
Source: ConvertKit

Have a variety of options to choose from when creating a lead magnet. While ebooks might be popular, there are several other types of lead magnets such as:

  • Checklists
  • Worksheets
  • Workbooks
  • Starter kits
  • Cheat sheets
  • Tool kits
  • Planners
  • Calendars
  • Action plans
  • Webinar replays
  • Email courses
  • Product samples
  • Video courses
  • Audio CDs
  • Free trial
  • Demo
  • Etc.

Your choice of lead magnet could depend on what you are selling and the kind of offer that best suits it. You can also switch things up and not stick to a particular style. 

Below is a graphical image from a study done by GetResponse that depicts what type of lead magnets have the highest conversion rate. This can also be factored in when making a decision. 

effective lead magnets with the highest conversion rate

4. Create a Bundled Package

lead magnet bundle package
Source: Content Clarity

Sometimes, all it takes to single out your business is to step up your game. While every other person or business might be offering free resources, you can offer a bundled package instead. To do this, you have to be more deliberate and create a step-by-step process on how to convert your leads. Creating a bundled package will cost you more, which means you should work towards getting a higher ROI. 

Offer immensely valuable content resources to your visitors at no cost but with their email addresses. You will likely get more leads than offering just one resource. 

5. Provide the Best Performing Content

To create the best lead magnets, you must be particular about creating the best-performing content. Your visitors must find value in your lead magnet, enough to convince them to share their contact information. After sharing their data, you must deliver by providing the best content that would improve their trust in your brand. 

Let your content and offer be specific, with a clear solution to a need. Avoid creating and offering obsolete content or resources; be in tune with your industry and what would be the best offer right now. Also avoid delivering something other than what you promised on the form, as this could cause distrust in your brand, thereby harming your lead generation tactics and business in the long run. 

Your best-performing content shouldn’t stop at just the initial offer but should also be considered when creating your lead-nurturing emails. 

Finally, ensure your content is relatable and understandable. Keep it as succinct as possible, while delivering exactly what was promised. 

Do it Right!

There are many benefits to creating effective lead magnets but you have to get it right. This article already highlights some of the key things to guide you and help you stand out from the crowd. However, it’s not a walk in the park. 

You have to be deliberate about creating any lead magnet and this will include a lot of research while working with a team to handle each aspect. This can also be outsourced to experienced people who will take it upon themselves to ensure your business gets the best. We have a diverse team of experienced creatives at MailDrip who can help you with this. All you have to do is contact us. We also have a template to help small business owners and solopreneurs like you get started without necessarily hiring a whole team if you can’t afford to. 

Fill out the form below to get a tailored marketing strategy for your brand and kickstart the process of creating the best lead magnets. 

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